LW Automation Consulting, LLC


"Start with the end in mind"





Automation Methodology

Many companies who are in the process of Network Re-engineering or Facility Consolidation will review their current operations and explore how to accomplish the work better, cheaper, faster and so on.  In many cases, warehouse or distribution center automation is considered.  Often, there are leaps made from their current conventional operations state to a more complex automation operation, frequently with poor results.

The intent of the methods employed is to assure that a clear understanding of the current state of operations, respective of function and performance, is both understood and optimal.  From that current state assessment, a future state can be considered, and a gap determined that the automation would have to serve over the transition.  In many cases, first steps in improving practices and processes are the better course of action, before automation is seriously considered.

From that point, appropriate software and equipment can be selected and appraised for financial feasibility (ROI, ROA etc.).  Matrix comparisons can be applied to assure best selection of technologies are made that fit the goals, measures, and requirements. Consideration of company strategies, risk tolerance, investment criteria and culture are weighed into the selection process for technical direction.

Business Tools 

  • Functional Requirements Mapping & Planning
  • Market and Business Operations Research
  • Market Development Planning
  • KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Charting
  • KPI & Metrics Charting
  • WMS & Interface Requirements Development
  • Material Flow Charting
  • Material Handling Engineering
  • Work Process Charting
  • Inventory Analysis
  • State and Gap Analysis
  • Current to Future State Gap Analysis
  • Automated System Capacity Analysis
  • Xerox Meeting and Facilitation Toolkit
  • Weighted Alternative Analysis
  • Project Team Leadership
  • Project Planning
  • Return on investment (ROI) and/or asset analysis



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